08 January 2015

Ayam Cincang Daun Basil

This one is my favorite Thai Food. Here, let me share with you the recipe

2 table spoon of Ground Nut Oil (I use KNIFE brand)
¼ cups of garlic
500g Chicken minced
1 Table spoon Oyster Sauce
2 Table Spoon Fish Sauce
1 cup fresh basil
10-15 chili (small cut)

I have amended the original recipe, which i add in below ingredients :

4-5 Cherry Tomatoes (cut into two)
1/2 of each color of capsicum and diced it.

How to do it:

1. Heat the groubdnuts oil in the pan
2. Add in Garlic and stir it until it turn into gold color.
3. Add in chilies, fry it.
4. Add in all capsicum.
5. Add in Chicken minced, stir fry it
6. Add in oyster sauce, fish sauce, Cherry Tomatoes and the basil leaf
7. Stir fry about 7-8 minutes and its ready to be serve

I hope that the recipe will help you.
Thank you for reading my blog and see you for the next entry.