24 April 2019

Mature and Fake


Okay. The different between MATURE and FAKE.

Let say you are now facing the people who you don't like and you knew that they don't like you too. So, what will you do??

Act normal and just talk to them when we need to, talk nicely but not too close to them like there is nothing happened. There is something happened, showed to them that, yes I'm talking to you, i can tolerate with you, but still i don't like you. So, this conversation not too far. We hate each other remember?? Hahahha

Act like there is nothing happened, talking nicely sweet, like you have no problem with them. Laughing giggling together, jokes around, end of the day, back stab. Talk bad about others behind them.

I'm kind of the person that when i don't like that people, my face can tell the truth is. You can detect from my face whether i comfortable with the situation or not. But, i have no problem to talk to them if i NEED to. but if there is nothing to talk about, i will NEVER talk to them. I will smile, but you can see the crack smile. I can sit beside them, but you can see i will never sit too closed to them. I can eat with them, but you can see i will eat my meal in silent and stiff face. Its not easy to pretend that you like them, and im not the one who can pretend everything is okay but its actually not. My face don't lie. My act don't lie, my smile don't lie.