31 July 2020

Eid Adha and Emak Birthday in Advanced

 Salam All.

The story here is about last weekend, which i went back to my hometown Perak. 

Actually, Ayah arranged for a family gathering after MCO. And as far as you already know that my Ayah was warded during MCO (Eid Fitri). So, this is our first time gather the whole family after all.

So, when Ayah told us all that he want to arrange for a gathering, we all agreed and he decided to make a BBQ lunch on the day.

All happened on 1st of August 2020, Saturday.

I was arrived about 12 noon on the day straight from Kuala Lumpur with husband. Here is some photos and video i would like to share.

BBQ lunch with Mamasab Kambing Perap.
You can get it from Dapolela, link below :

Then on the night, we are having dinner together.

Then, we celebrate my emak birthday in advanced.

The date should be on 13.08, but we make it in advanced since we probably not coming back all together on 13th. 

So thanks for reading my blog.