07 February 2017

Ayam Tumis Kurma (Kurma Chicken Stir Fry)


Hi cooking lovers !! Hi Everyone !!
Here here..

This portion size is for 3 pax

Okay we start it now.

Ingredients :
Chicken (any part you preferred) clean it and put a side
Blended ingredients (2 onion, 4 garlic, 1 inch ginger)
Onion sliced (i'm using holland onion)
Chili (this is up to you, also can replace it with black pepper)
2 tablespoon of Kurma Powder
1 tablespoon of seasoing powder
Oil for stir fry
1/2 cup of water

Method :
1. Heat the oil in pan
2. Add in blended ingredients, stir fry in about 5 minutes
3. Add in Kurma Powder, stir fry about 8-9 minutes
4. Add in chicken, chilies, sliced onion. fried until the chicken tender.
5. Add water, seasoning powder and salt.
6. Stir fry about 10 minutes and done.

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