07 April 2017


All the things that i had planned went upside down..
Suddenly i lost the track..my view was so hazy..
The path i took no longer the right one..
I feel so weak..

Then i tried to have self-refelection..

Try to find my self.. try to check foot print that i left far away behind me..
Trying to look back the path i have took..

Yes..i can see the mistake i have made..one by one..
That mistakes brought me here..the lost world !!


I crlued up my body..tried to flash back..no..
Yes..I know this is not a right time for me to comfort my self..
But..come on, i need time to figure out !!
I need time to fix it !! Not all thing can be fix easily..
Thi is life crisis..I don;t want to cry all night long for the rest of my life..

I know i can't return back..but i still have a chance to fix the things..
So, please let me cuddling my self here for a while to think..
My eyes must be sharp to catch all the mistakes that i might be overlooked..
My brain must be wisely think the way out and the solution..
Not a reason !! A solution !!

I don't want people see how weak i am..
I know im not a super woman or wonder woman..
But i m too weak to wait others to rescue me !!
I know Allah gave me this test to make me stronger..
Allah would never give something more that we could bear..

Its okay..what i need now is time and space for me to figure out the solution..i believe that Allah may help me for this..

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