10 April 2017


At this age..
32 years old !!

I am mature enough to appraise people..

I am "Don't Trust People" type of person !!

Yes.. I am..

I make friends everyday and everywhere..but i only keep few surrounding..
Because there is so many "FRIENEMIES" out there..

In this age..
I don't need a friend who talk behind other friends..
I don't need a friends for girl talk about that boy or that man..
I don't need a friend who asked me for hang out every day and night..
I don't need a friend who judge me for what i suppose to do or what i not to do..
I don't need a friend who spread a bad story about me..
I don't need a friend who stab my back..

What i need..
A friend that i can call sometimes to talk at least 20 minutes on the phone..not a serious talk..just a normal story..
A friend who can spend at least 1 hour at Mamak to share "what happened to you" then go back home..i love to spend my time indoor instead of outdoor..
A friend that i can share "house-keeping-work thingy"..
A friend that i can ask for groceries price comparison..which detergent is good..which shop is cheaper..where is the cosy place that i can eat and read at the same time..where should i spend my day for vacation..

In this age..
No secret to be share with others and need them to keep it..
No bad talk behind other friend..
No love story to be tell..

In this age..
I am happy with the life i had..
I am comfortable with the routine i had..

That's all..nothing else that i need..
So please..
i don't need a FRIENEMIES like you !!

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