09 May 2017

Kuih Keria (Malay Traditional Food)

Kuih Keria is one of Malay Traditional food. Not a main course but more to dessert.
Malay people or maybe i can say Asian people, They have a high tea in their own way.
They always have kuih for their high tea.

So here i would like to share the recipe of this Kuih we called it KUIH KERIA

In traditional way, this Kuih with coated / caramelized by a white sugar syrup.
But world nowadays, people are creative and there is some innovation to this traditional Kuih.
They use Palm Sugar Syrup to coated / caramelized it. and they changed the name to 

I have tried and the photo above is the result.

Below is the recipe if you would like to try it.

Recipe :
Sweet Potato / Ubi Keledek
Wheat Flour / Tepung Gandum
Salt / Garam
baking Powder / Tepung Naik Sendiri
Palm Sugar (syrup) / Gula Melaka (dicairkan)

Direction :
Boil sweet potatoes for 10-15 minutes until soften / Rebuskan keledek 10-15 minit sehingga lembut
Squash potatoes evenly and add a pinch of salt / Lenyekkan keledek dan masukkan sedikit garam
Allow squash potatoes to cool to room temperature / Biarkan keledek yang sudah dilenyek sejuk dengan suhu bilik
Add wheat flour and baking powder and make it to dough / Masukkan tepung gandum dan tepung naik sendiri dan buat menjadi doh
Shape the dough into doughnut shape / Bentukkan doh kepada bentuk donat
Deep fry the doughnuts until the doughnuts float / Gorengkan kuih tenggelam didalam minyak sehingga dia terapung
Leave aside to cool / Biarkan sehingga sejuk
In a clean pan, heat a palm sugar and water to make a palm sugar syrup (thick) / Dalam kuali yang bersih, panaskan gula melaka dan air sehingga likat
Add the doughnuts into the palm sugar syrup and mixed them until the doughnuts fully coated by the syrup / Masukkan donat kedalam gula melaka dan kacau sehingga rata ke semua permukaan kuih.

I hope that the recipe will help you.

Thank you for reading and see you in the next entry.

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