28 July 2021

Closed Contact

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

This morning one of my brother who stayed with me went for Covid 19 swab test. His RTK test result is positive, then he made second test PCR at the very same clinic. But the PCR result only will be released on the next day, meaning tomorrow 29th July 2021.

So we all (another 3 person in this house Me, My husband and my youngest brother) need to wait for his result before we all undergo the swab test.

FYI, me and my two brothers are working from home at this moment which Malaysia now is under MCO so we are probihited to go out for no important reason. We only go out for groceries shop and sometimes we drive thru for starbuck. Only my husband are working, and since his job in service field, so he need to go out. 

So we don't know how we caught the virus. On 27th July night (last night) me and my brother was not feeling well, we got fever a bit, on off. We got similar symptom. And he afraid, so he decided to go for swab test.

So we had informed our block management about it and we have been monitoring by them to not go out since this morning. Officially we are start our quarantine. So basically, its my 1st day of quarantine based on my brother swab test date. 

Our management start giving us few important contact numbers of groceries shops down stairs and few other convenience shops, so we can online and will be send to our door.

So i started buying some medicine such like Uphamol tablets, Coughing medicines, some herbs that can helps preventing the virus. Friends start to shares their home remedies once i told them about the situation.

I was shocked and i am sure we all do. So just wait for his result tomorrow guys. Send your du'aa for us all.

(photo from google)

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