05 October 2023


  بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

Hi all !!

Hope that you guys okay and wish you a good day.

So for the second day of my IF. My first day of 16 hours fasting. After i break my fasting yesterday at 7:10pm, i gave myself a space to ate until 8:30pm. 

I start my IF since 8:30pm to 12:30pm (16 hours)
But i do drink coffee in the morning and 3 liter of water.

I did not consume any sugar at all. So, what i feels the effects of not consuming a sugar is:

* You will notice your sense of taste changing. Your tongue taste like a slightly brackish.
* The energy drop and fatigue.
* Craving for sweets
* Unbalance mood and emotion
* Dizziness and nausea

Well, sound so harsh. But i can manage to cut my sugar. I did not change my sugar to another sweetener. Like brown sugar or stevia or zero sugar products. 


I am doing this, not to low my sugar taking. I am in real cut off my sugar taking.
I did not consume any food or drinks that contains sweetener.

What the hard part??
Always a water
Because i'm not a water person. But i manage to drink 3 liter water yesterday.
Voila !!
But ya, the side effects is, i went to toilet almost every hour to pee.

SO what i ate during my lunch?

I bought a banana, so i ate banana at 12;30pm
Then i continue my work. I finish my work at 5pm. And reach home almost 7pm.
I ate white rice, Pekasam Ikan Lampam that i fried using my airfryer.
I fried a bit of onion slices and chilies.
An omelet too.
And my 3 liter water is done before 6pm. 
Voila !!

I take a normal postion. I did not count calories here. Because i can to eat what ever i want as long as the portion is right. Then i ate a lot of vegetables. I ate green apple as well. 

Start from 8:00pm i start my IF. 

Tips : eat what ever you want during that 8 hours. But please avoid oily food, sugar, fats, snacks, fast food also. trust me, you gonna be okay and fine !!

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