29 May 2011

Kites Restaurant - Coffee House Holiday Inn Glenmarie

Remember about my birthday on last Sunday, Yesterday 29.05.2011 and genap umur 26th..
My BFF Ann Hueda Jon F treat me a karaoke at Superstar Karaoke, Wangsa Walk at Wangsa Maju?
Okay..masih tak pasti?
Meh Ushar Link ini..

Okay, for yesterday, i celebrate my birthday at Kites Restaurant, Holiday Inn Glenmary for Dinner Buffet with me Amma, Ann Hueda Jon F and Irman Shahrizan..
Thats so cool..
Glenmarie have a very good view to share..peaceful..i promise you that..
lets Check This out..

we already arrive at 6 something..

And when we arrived there, she the one who cannot be patient to take a photo there..because there is a lot of nice view to snap..

This is my ama, Alize Low..she also happy with this trip..I love her much!

what about this?

We are Happy together here..enjoy the environment..

He also enjoyed it..
Hopefully, i can spend a lot of time with him here when his birthday come..
Coming soon..
After that, we walked-in to the restaurant.

i choose to eat the appetizer at the first..

Irman Shahrizan try to full his hungry stomach..

And Ann hueda Jon F choose to have the very Delicious Nasi Beriani..She said that was so nice and promote it to me..

After that we go to more heavy and main course dishes..

I choose to have a malaysian food like kueh mueh..

After rest because full-stomach, Amma would like to try the Barbeque's from outside.. 
This is the person in-charge for grilling..

They happy together choosing a food..

While waiting for food, we choose to snap a picture outside with the moon-light view..
babacak to this lady..

I love her..

this is what Ann Hueda jon F choose for barbeque..

This is Irman Shahrizan choose for..

And me..

She try to have a ABC with ice-cream on the top after all..

We are full already, so this time to go back..but we went to different direction..
I went back with Irman Shahrizan..

I do love you guys..
The best gift from Allah towards me..
The best Friend ever..
You guys chill me up everyday..

Next month same date is Ann Hueda Jon F Birthday..
same date with me 29 but the month is different.. i hope that i can treat her something just like she's done before..
End up this entry with bye-bye..

See you in the next trip..

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