20 May 2011

Wonderful Tonight

Semalam kami beramai-ramai telah pergi memuaskan nafsu serakah nak menyanyi..
Sebelum berkaraoke..kami berjumpa di 
Lodge Paradize Hotel
makan malam dngan meriahnya beramai-ramai sambil melantak sehingga habis dan bergumbira dengan Camera pink saya sambil merakamkan saat indah bersama..

Ann Hueda Jon F

Mama Angel 
The person who arrange for our delightful Nite..

She's again with her sophisticated look..at Ishq Crowne Plaza Hotel..

When we reached there and seat together..chatting with new frens..and they're all very sporting and supporting each other..

The time to put smile in my Pinky Camey!

My lovely BFF and my Super Woman

Actually kita makan tepi kolam, but sorry sebab memang tak ada picture yang memang kat kolam atau adegan orang terjun kolam atau adegan kena tolak masuk kolam atau ada yang sengaja nak nyanyi lagu telaga biru (bawang putih-bawang merah) tepi kolam sambil terkial-kial main air kolam okay!

Lepas tu ada agenda lain..yang sepatutnya nak karaoke dah di tukar menjadi watching Live Band dan kemudian DELUCA adalah tempat yang menjadi pilihan..tetapi when we reached there..ada private function..

Jump to our car and Karaoke at Superstar Wangsa Walk:

Me and Ann are the first party reached Wangsa Walk..We arrange for the large room to put 8 of us inside even diorang tak sampai lagi..and i am not the person who can tahan and sabar kat ruang legar just becoz nak dapat bilik kecik..i rather to pick the large one to enjoy our singing!

Tengoklah muka kami yang kemaruk karok!

 Suraya Farouk
She's an actress..im working with her previously..i do miss her..she called me this morning!miss u kak Su..

This is the guy whoch is baik hati belanja makan and have fun dengan kami yang gile karok..even dia just miming..but he so sporting and caring person..seyes said..!

This one, the Guy with BROERY MARANTIKA voice and talented..

T\his is our Group..
Kak Shida and Kak Su..
Jangan mudah percaya, the guy who singing at this moment was miming actually..hhahahahha..
but he so cool!

Me and my BFF..stick together..
Singing lke hell..
Meroyan and sangat kemaruk kot~
thanx to Mumma Angel arranged this all thing for us and Thanks to the Guy who singing in miming mode En. Manshor Rosly...yang belanja kitorang last nite..also thanx to the Broery clone, coz sudi sangat nyanyi ngan saye yang kemaruk siti nurhaliza ni..even penat..berbaloi-baloi..thanks guys!

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