29 May 2015


If your pets pressing their head to a wall, with no apparent reason. This generally indicates damage to the nervous system, which may arise from several different causes, including the prosencephalon disease (where the front brain and the thalamus part of the brain are damaged), or toxic poisoning.

There is no specific evidence to any particular breed of cats or certain age levels that are at higher risk for this condition. It may happen to any cats.

Other symptoms that may be seen include compulsive rate and twist arouns, changes in behavior, seizures, damaged reflection measures, and vision problems. Some of these symptoms can lead to injuries, for example, foot or face or head due to pressing the head against the wall for a long time.

There are several reasons why cats may find it necessary to press their head, depending on the main cause that leads to these symptoms. Possible reasons may be metabolic disorders, such as hyper or hyponatremia (too much or too little sodium in body plasma), primary or secondary tumors (meaning tumors in the brain vs. tumors located elsewhere in the body), or nervous system infections such as illness Crazy dogs or fungal infections. Other causes may include head trauma, such as from car accidents, or from exposure to toxins, such as lead.

A major diagnostic procedure in animal cases pressing their head, including the fundic examination of the retina and other structures behind the eyes, which may show infectious or inflammatory diseases, and expose the brain's irregularities. Another test, is the measurement of blood pressure to test high blood pressure, and computerized tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of brain scan. 

The veterinarian analyzes urine (which can expose the problem with the metabolic system), and tests for blood plumbum (which can show toxins in the system).

You need to give a deep history / journey about your cat's health, the onset of symptoms and the observation.

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