26 May 2015

Cats Claw Cutting Tips

Cats Claw Cutting Tips

This is in the area of “cats grooming”. Cats nails or claws must be cut. Because cats claw will get to curved deeper and also can hurt the cat itself when he scrath his body. The scratch will become an open wound which causing the infection of Cats Scratch Disease or Tetanus.
Refer to the photo above, that shows the right place to cut your cats claw. The cats will feel hurt if you cut at the “Quicks” area. And it will causing bleeding.
You can use a claw cutter or you can use hume nail cutter. But becareful, their claw is harder then human nails.


Kuku kucing perlu di potong. Kerana kuku kucing jika panjang semakin melengkung kedalam..juga boleh mencederakan kucing itu sendiri. Cakaran kuku kucing boleh menyebabkan jangkitan Cat Scratch Disease atau Tetanus.

Gambarajah menunjukkan tempat yang tepat untuk memotong kuku kucing korang. Kalau berdarah tekup dengan tisu or kapas..darah akan stop mengalir. Ia juga bertujuan untuk menjaga kebersihan kucing.

Kalau tak ada nail cutter kucing, boleh pakai nail cutter manusia. Tapi berhati2 kerana kuku mereka lebih keras berbanding kuku kita manusia.

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