12 November 2017

Stupid Woman Logic Thingy

Some nights, i just cry for nothing.

I'm not really understand. But this is what we called "woman is always woman"
We woman have our own logic that very difficult for man to understand. 
Sometimes, we also could not understand our  self !

Tears for no reason.

My life was amazing. I have anything i want. 
Ya, i know sometimes we have to get through a hard time. I did. But it doesn't matter at all.

It seems like i don't know myself for a certain moment. Sometimes. i cried the whole night on bed and fell asleep.

What on the earth i am thinking about? I don't know ! I'm not confused, i swear. I'm not losing my mind. But i don't know why i cried. 

That's sounds funny. Ya, i know !

I always thinking that u am in a good condition. Health, self confidence and etc. I always am the person who always problem-solution-finder-person i suppose ! 

But then, i realized. I'm just a woman which sometimes have a stupid-woman-logic-thingy to get through.

okay then.

Till me meet again in next chapter of my life~~

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