04 June 2015

Detox Water

Many of us who are looking for quick way to get rid of accumulated fat in our body. Now, you no longer need to worry, there is a faster way to solve this problem with only a drinking water that we called a detox water.

To make this detox drink, you will need the following ingredients:

8 ½ cup water
1 teaspoon of grated ginger (or one tablespoon of an organic root ginger powder)
1/2 cucumber, thinly sliced
1/2 lemon, sliced ​​thinly
12 mint leaves

How to do it:

Mix all ingredients and mix well. Remove the lemon slices, ginger and mint leaves before pouring the drink into the glass. 
I suggest you take this drink for the whole day. 
If you could not finished it in the same day, you can keep it in a refrigerator, 
it will last up to two days.
You can take this drink every day in 4 weeks, as it is safe and hydrating.

How it works and why is it so effective?
All of the ingredients listed above have various health benefits and cleaning effects. The combination able to produce healthy bomb which help cleanse the body and help remove fat.

Now let's see the benefit contained in the ingredients we've been using.

Cucumber is low in calories, acts as a diuretic, rich in dietary fiber and helps maintain body alkali. Cucumber is the ideal diet for weight loss.

In a study conducted at the Human Nutrition Institute at Columbia University point out, when an individual drinks hot ginger, they feel fuller and have less chance of over-eating.

Although lemon essentially contains acid, but when processed in the human body the result is in alkaline salts. Lemon contains both citric and ascorbic acid, weak acids easy to be metabolized in the body allowing lemon mineral content to assist in blood transfusion (ph optimal blood is: 7.35 - 7.45). The blood with low PH than that is a very fertile for for cancer cells and bacteria thus it will cause many disease.

You may not even think that mint is detain your appetite . But in fact it is. Peppermint not only gives you fresh taste but also reduce your appetite.

You should all know the benefits of drinking enough water. Water supports our lives, hydrates the body, relieves joints and muscles during exercise, and if you drink regularly and constantly, it reduces your appetite.

There is the detox drink recipe from me, actually you also can google a keyword "detox drink" which you can find many other recipe and ingredients. 

Thank you for reading my blog and see you in the next entry.

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