21 May 2020

Ayah, Hospital & MCO Part 2


So, my Ayah was warded last night. Today is his 1st day. One of my sister already arrived. He got the permission on the spot.

She said the doctors still don't know what exactly happened to Ayah. They still finding the real cause.
At the first place they claim he got a lung infection. Than, the doctor realized that Ayah have two blister. One at his ankle and another one at his hand.

They are still discussing what medicine suit for the blister and the lung infection.

Me and others sisters and brothers are trying our best to get the permission. While my Ayah was suffering in the hospital.

They give him oxygen since he could not breath properly.

I hope that i can get the permission. Since i work from home and i already inform my boss regarding Ayah's conditions, he allows me to go back home. 

Please. I need to be there with him too.

Please send your du'a for my Ayah.

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