23 May 2020

Ayah, Hospital & MCO Part 4

 Salam. Its a raya eve !!

Normally we spend raya eve cooking at home with emak. And yes this is my second year of raya as a wife and this year my In-Law turn. But i am here at Hospital Putrajaya still. Waiting the result for ayah.

The doctor said he will be ward soon, but we already wait since 4pm and now nearly 12 midnight. Its okay, its for my ayah. Most of my siblings already went home, actually not went home, just went to my Akak's house in Kajang, they took a homestay there, they are cooking for Raya dishes i believe. My mom went there too. I offered myself to wait here until everything is settle. 

Well let me start this update with a photo of Emergency Area, Hospital Putrajaya. we arrived before the ambulance arrived, so we wait.

Then after an hour, we saw an ambulance entered the emergency lobby. I knew it was my Ayah ambulance because the plat number start with A.

I had time to enter the ambulance before they get him out. talking to him. He look so pale and so weak. I told him im here for him. encourage him to be strong and stay with us here. Then, They took him inside. My sister made a registration and submit some of the documents from Hospital teluk Intan. 
Since the report from Hospital Teluk Intan wasn't very clear to them, they need to run a few test and check on Ayah. So at that point, we need to wait until they got him a bed and ward.

So we choose to be gathered at the gazebo near to the Emergency Room. We plan to have a break-fasting at the gazebo together. Akak and her husband ordered for nasi Arab. 

Abang Jie and my nephew take a five to solat.
After break-fasting, they went off. Some of them stayed at the homestay i was mentioned earlier.

I am waiting here with my husband. Sometimes i went to the emergency room to check what happened to Ayah. Then there is a time that they allowed me to go inside and visit him.

He is not that weak anymore. He look a bit fresh. The photo i've taken is like he is drowsy because of the medicine they gave him.

He said he is happy to be here, since MCO there is no one can go back hometown to visit him. And now we are all here for him. So he is happy.

The doctor said he needs to control of water taken again, since he have a heart swollen issue.

My mom told me to wait until they confirm his bed, so then i can inform her. She will come over to stay and taking care of Ayah.

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