27 May 2020

Ayah, Hospital & MCO Part 6


Its a 4th day of Eid

27.05.2020 (Wednesday)

Malaysia MCO day 70

Yesterday i went to the Hospital Putrajaya visited my Ayah. My mom told me to come today early morning to replace her place since there is no one available.

I agreed. So today is my 1st day of taking care Ayah in the hospital. I cooked for him Beef Bone Soup he requested yesterday.

This morning my eldest brother Yeop has arrived to visit Ayah. He was there when the Dr. Zul checked Ayah. Then he said Dr. Zul have informed him Orthopedic Doctor will come to check what exactly happened to Ayah's hand.

Oh, i forgot to update about ayah's hand. Remember that day, in the entry of "Ayah, Hospital & MCO Part 2" i have informed that The doctor from Hospital Teluk Intan said ayah got blister on his hand?? 

Ya, and yes the blister become so big now scabies, purulent and swollen. A wound wide opened. So today the orthopedic specialist will come and check.

Here is the photo i have taken when the specialist come and check ayah's hand.

The blue hijab woman is the Orthopedic Specialist.

She said that Ayah have to go for X-Ray to confirm.

You can look here his hand worsen everyday.

Not very long after the XRay, the Dermatologist came and checked Ayah's wound. 
She said it could be bacteria but the problem is not too dangerous or to heavy here because the blister is only on the surface.

Thank you to our dermatogist. So now we are ready to go to ultrasound.

After we get back to the room the dermatologist gave the cream to rub on the wound.

So my shift was over, my mom came and take in charge to the night shift. tomorrow, i will come back here again. Miss you ayah.

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