01 August 2018



It has been a while since the betrothal. But today i decided to share it here. 

17th June 2018 (Sunday) Hijri date 03rd Syawal 1439. He came to my house with his family to visit us and proposed me at the same time. We both have discussed about this 2 weeks before Eid Fitr.

We requested to make it a very simple. Because there is a hadith said, we conceal the engagement and proclaim the marriage. 

There is no ceremony (which malay style, we have one ceremony that the groom's mother will put a ring on the bride's finger) this is not happened to me on the day. Because we chose not to. There is no nice dress to wear, i just wore my Eid Fitr outfit, emerald green the color theme of my family for 2018 Eid Fitr. That soooo me !!

They sited at our living room with my parents. Only Ayah and Mak was there. No one else. Me and my siblings are busy in the kitchen preparing the drinks and foods. I have been told to look nice on the day. I get dressed, a very light make up on my face which enhance my beauty. Hahahaha.

But then suddenly, my youngest sister came to me and showed me a ring on his finger.  And she asked teasingly "Is it nice?" 

I was blurred at the moment and i tried to recognized the ring. I was stunned how she can get the ring?? and she tried it before me?? ahhahaha. 

Well, i am so happy. Happy that on this age 33 years old. At last i have that strength, decided to get married and settle down with the guy i love so much. Which i have a very bad experiences caused me phobia and fear. I need all of you to Du'a for us both, that this betrothal will last till the day we married.

so, i attached this entry with some photos on the day.

Ring we both chose is a very simple ring, i requested to have a bit old school design. We bought it at Zen Gold located in Ampang Point, G Floor. With a price around RM500 ++

Here is a part of his family. 
From left : Khairul (purple shirt, his brother, the 4th in a family), Abie he's self (emerald green shirt), Khairul (one of a friend), Abah (batik shirt, Abie's father), Ayah Yai ( i'm not sure his full name, and he is one of family members), Alif (Pak Yai's son), Awen (3rd sibling) and the last one with grey shirt and chubby tummy is my Ayah.

This is another part of his family. 
from the right : Nadia (Mustard hijab, Abie's SIL, a wife of Khairul), Udo (the dark pink hijab, one of the family members but i don't know her name as well), Misha (thr green hijab we called her adik because she is the youngest in the family). a tiny cute little girl Qalisha (Abie's Niece a daughter of Awen + Shima), Shima (Light pink Hijab, Abi'es SIL a wife of Awen), Mak (light brown hijab with blue outfit is Abie's mother), another tiny little princess Qhaira a younger sister of Qalisha, 2nd daughter of Awen + Shima), Fiana (we called her kakak, the maroon hijab, 2nd last in Abie's siblings) and the last one, with dark emrald green color hijab is my Mom.

Alhamdulillah. everything is went smoothly as planned.

Thank you all. i will update soon about my married journey that we created a hashtag


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