05 August 2018

Groom Application for Marriage Permission


Okay. For today, this entry is about Islam Marriage Application form progress. Which in the role of Islam Marriage Application procedure in Malaysia, we need to settle the groom part at the first place, after the application approved, then only we can proceed the second part of documents is bride's application.

So, we took an off day on 18.07.2018 (wednesday) just to settle the groom's documents. 

Print out the forms from http://ncr.jais.gov.my/ which we need to sign up. So then, there is 2 forms to be fill up. 
1. Borang 1A Akuan Pengesahan Permastautin (Resident Identification Declaration)

1A form is to fill up groom's address, period of stay in Selangor, must have 1 witness to sign the witness column, and must get the signature of Penghulu or at least Ketua Kampung.

2. Borang 2A Permohonan Kebenaran Berkahwin (Application for Marriage Permission)

2A form is to fill up groom's details (name, identiti card no., home address, date of birth, working details), bride's details (name, identiti card no., home address, date of birth, working details), solemnization date, place, 2 witnesses. 

So, we called Abie's youngest brother to be the first witness and the second witness is Abie's other brother. So we went to Penghulu Office and got a signature and stamp. After Zohor we went to Masjid As-Syakirin to get a signature and stamp from Ketua Jurunikah Masjid.

Then we went to Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor submitted the complete forms.

We waited for at least half an hour. 

After that, they have returned the document, approved to be send to Jabatan Agama Islam perak, Teluk intan (bride's part).

This photo taken at the back yard of Masjid Al-Syakirin Batu 6, Gombak to get the signature and stamp from ketua Jurunikah.

This photo taken while we waited for the approval. Right after submitted the complete forms at Jabatan Agama Islam Gombak, located at Selayang.

He got bored.

Alhamdulillah. The application have been approved. So, we are ready to go back my hometown Langkap, perak to submit all forms for Bride's part.

will update you soon.

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