06 August 2018

Bride's Application for Marriage Permission


Since yesterday my entry was about the application for marriage permission on groom's side, so today, i present to you the story of bride's application for marriage permission which we need to go back my hometown located at Langkap, perak.

It took 2 hours for us to reached my hometown. Right after we reach there, we went to Klinik Kesihatan Langkap for my HIV test (mandatory for bride and groom in Malaysia).

Then, we went to my parents house for lunch and Zohor. 

We went to Tok Naib Changkat Jong's house but there is no one. My ayah called him, he said went off to office and will be back on 6pm. So then, we went back home again. waited for 6pm.

The time came, we went to Tok Naib's house again. He waited outside. He greet us. Then, the document submitted. 

This video taken while we on the way to Tok Naib's House.
they both chit chat about the the donation to poor people in our village got 15 people and my future hubby very interested about it. 

Me?? I just sit behind and facebook-ing

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