08 August 2018

Bride's Wedding Tray (Gift Tray)


Okay, as i promised yesterday to update about Bride's Wedding Trays (dulang hantaran), so here it is the story goes.

As what i wrote yesterday. All the decorations things i bought it online in Shopee. The shop name RIKA.

I bought 19 wedding trays with size 12" which 7 for groom and 9 for bride.

this is how its looks a like ;

This tray cost me about RM3.50 per pc.

I also bought a poly foam 12" (actually i cut it to 10" because i wrongly bought a size. it supposed to be 10" to fit the tray.

Okay, for the tray cloths, i bought it at Lafleur Ampang. As i mentioned in previous entry.

For bride's tray, i chose a cream color. I wanted it to be cute and sweet.

They said it looks like a cake.

I am satisfied with the simple decoration i have made.

This video is the time before i start the decoration.

This is the video after all the 7pcs trays have done.

Thank you for reading and watching the video. i will update more tomorrow and the following days.


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