02 August 2018

Muslim Pre-Marriage Course


Okay. I have updated about my engagement yesterday, and today the story focused on Our pre-Marriage Course.

This is a mandatory in Malaysia to all muslims who gonna married. So, long story short. I searched in google the location of this P-MC. Then, i got the P-MC located at Masjid Negara (Malaysia National Mosque). But since the training room was under renovation, so they moved the location to Majid Al-Firdaus, Segambut.

We went to the P-MC for two days on weekend 07.07.2018 - 08.07.2018. We had a very fun classes and We’ve learned so many info about marriage life in Islam and the things related to the marriage stuff. 

We also got a guideline for the Islam marriage procedure, how to fill the Islam Marriage Application Forms, documents needed, sign by who, and etc.

below is the photos and videos when i joined the P-MC

On the 1st day of our P-MC 

On the 2nd day of our P-MC

Look at that stripes shirt guy. He is my future hubby !!

A video taken while the class dismissed for lunch break and Zohor. 

new friend of mine : Mel
She is muallaf ( a new comer of Islam)


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