01 August 2021

Confirmed Positive Covid 19 - Day 3 Home Quarantine Officially

 بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيْم

 السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

This morning i have received my result through MySejahtera apps. Its confirmed that i and my husband are positive covid 19.

At the first place, a notification pup up and when i clicked, this message appeared. I was shocked and check my husband phone, and unfortunately, he received the same message. 

Our MySejahtera apps background color suddenly change to Red which is POSITIVE COVID 19

Here is the screenshot i took. Stated that i am a positive asymptomatic. 

My husband's MySejahtera apps also been updated as same status as mine.

Here as you can see they also stated the date for quarantine which start from 30th July to 8th August.

My husband's quarantine date same as mine.

We need to update our daily health in this apps too. Every morning we need to answer the health assessment they've provide in this apps to monitor our health in "Things to do" column.

But what confusing me is, the quarantine date and period in MySejahtera apps and the date stated on my pink wristband are different. So i called CSC and check with them. They said i need to follow what stated on my MySejahtera apps. So then, the pink wristband cut date should be 09th August 2021.

So officially today is my day 3 of positive covid 19 home quarantine.

May Allah ease everything. My current health : I still have flu, coughing, on off fever. My husband are totally good. 

Send your du'aas for us.

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