10 December 2018

Bullying Gone Far Way Extreme


Bully is not only happen in school anymore. These days, its happen in college, university and out side of school too. Nowadays, its gone far way extreme. Its inhumane, physical & mental abuse, severe injuries and some cases, causing death.

In Malaysia especially, the country i was born. We face the same problem of this bully.

Last year, our country was shocked by a news of 21 years old Malay boy (the blue shirt boy in the image on the top), a student of Malaysian National Defense University died caused by bully. News spread that he was tortured, bound, been beaten, burned with an iron for two days, all because of a laptop, which allegedly stolen by victim. Reported, 80% of his body was covered in bruises and burn marks. Further of the case, 36 students of the University was captured but 19 of them was allegedly committed to the act. 5 of them charged under section 302  of the penal code which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction, 1 student charged under 109 the panel code read with section 302 of the penal code which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

Not only that.

Once again our country was thrown with the news of death. An Indian boy 18 years old died (the white shirt boy in the image on the top), been beaten  by a group of boys, teenagers. He and his friend was attacked, but his friend manage to escaped and called for help. For that case, 4 teenagers has been captured on charge of murder under Section 302 of the penal code which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

The third case of death.

Two Navy men died. They have been abused by three of their team mate. Based on the post-mortem report, one of the navy men was died due to bleeding of the Lung caused by blunt trauma while another navy men died from lung bleeding and blunt trauma on the soft tissues. Further more on that case, seven navy personnel arrested, five of them charged under Section 302 of the penal code which carries the mandatory death sentence upon conviction.

In the other case,

Six boys Form Two (14 years old) students was bullied by their seniors over a football shoe. This case happened at one of science school in Perak. The case was closed with that 10 senior students, the bully have expelled from the school after found guilty.


These day, there is so many viral videos of bullying occurrence. Its every where. Like a virus. Kids nowadays, the eagerness of being more power or to show to others that their unbeatable has grown unmanageable in them. Inhumanity, cruel, brutal behavior without even cross in their minds of the consequences.

Primary school in Malaysia, we have kind of subject to teach about morality Pendidikan Agama Islam (Islamic Education) for muslim students and for non-muslim students, they have Pendidikan Moral (Moral Education). But then, we still face the same problem repetitively. I believe, parents also have their best played a role to teach a morality at home. No parents wants their child to be a victim of bully or be a bully.

In my opinion, we need to emphasizing that this bad behavior will have a profound effect not only on the victim and the victim's family, but for the bully himself and the bully family as well. We need to assert that there is no-future for the bully if they still retain this kind of bad behavior.

I know we could not control of their mind, but i supposed we could use reverse psychology to re-boot their mind.

Certain of parents, they don't really take this as a serious thing in mind. They always thinking that it is normal for children to behave like a bully and they always think "they nothing but just a child" when they grow up soon, they will change the behavior. But let see, so far, how many percentage of the kids with bully behavior change to someone consider to others feeling?? yes, too bad. So, this is really serious matter to us. Don't raised them to be a bully. But raised them to love others even there is no love in return.

09 August 2018

Bride's Traditional Wedding Outfits


Today i would like to tell you a story behind the bride's wedding outfits.

actually, we don't have a specific color or material of the outfits. But because the trend is "Classic & Traditional" season in malaysia now, so we both decided to wear a Malay Traditional Outfits on our wedding day.

because we don't have the specific color as i mentioned before, so we went to Jakel Mall and picked a blue color songket which match to both of us skin color.

I have found a good and talented tailor but yet cheapest Kak Fatimah, who stay in Jalan Ipoh. 
To all bride to be, do whatsapp her at 014-967 9693

Seriously, she can do what ever design you wanted and her sew is so neat and tidy. Her price also a very good price.

So back to the main story here.

She took only 2 weeks to finish my wedding outfits with excellent job.

please refer to the video below

want a full look of this outfits??
you have to wait until the day's come !!

well, thank you very much guys for reading my blog.


08 August 2018

Bride's Wedding Tray (Gift Tray)


Okay, as i promised yesterday to update about Bride's Wedding Trays (dulang hantaran), so here it is the story goes.

As what i wrote yesterday. All the decorations things i bought it online in Shopee. The shop name RIKA.

I bought 19 wedding trays with size 12" which 7 for groom and 9 for bride.

this is how its looks a like ;

This tray cost me about RM3.50 per pc.

I also bought a poly foam 12" (actually i cut it to 10" because i wrongly bought a size. it supposed to be 10" to fit the tray.

Okay, for the tray cloths, i bought it at Lafleur Ampang. As i mentioned in previous entry.

For bride's tray, i chose a cream color. I wanted it to be cute and sweet.

They said it looks like a cake.

I am satisfied with the simple decoration i have made.

This video is the time before i start the decoration.

This is the video after all the 7pcs trays have done.

Thank you for reading and watching the video. i will update more tomorrow and the following days.


07 August 2018

Dulang Hantaran Lelaki


Dear all, today i'm gonna tell you about my Dulang Hantaran.

Me and my fiance, we decided to make our own decoration on our dulang hantaran. Both sides. seriously. 

Below, you can see the photo attached and the video edited for our dulang hantaran DIY. 

I ordered the dulang, foam, certain smalls decorations things from shopee (online shopping website). I have no time to go here and there to find it, so i just click-click and save my time also my energy because i need to use my energy to decor the dulang by myself. 

So, if you are the type of person like me and still don't know where to find. please search in shopee. the shop name is "RIKA" or the ID : kcchia82

You can find all the things you wanted in this shop seriously.
They have sewing equipment, beads, hotfix diamond, lace, thread, bunga telur, dulang, polyfoam, zip, button, 3d flowers, dolly paper, floral tape, candy bag, embroidery equipment, party goodies bag, door gift bag, swarovski, needles, sponge, corsage, velcro, ribbons, krafts equipment and etc.

just click2 pay and yeayyyy, arrived to your door.

But then, for the flowers, i bought it at Lafleur ampang, located at Bandar Baru Ampang, behind Spectrum Ampang.

We decided to make it simple because our theme is "simple and sweet".

So, for groom hantaran we chose to use black and white as a theme color. We found the similar design from pinterest, but we modified to be more simple and classic.

We actually wanna make it looks like cute, classic, old school.

Tadaaaa. it took several hours to finish all 9 dulangs.

I love the video background song, which named as "Aduh Duh Aduh Aduhai" by Kompang AKRAB and has been the intro song for Kisah Tok Kadi (singapore drama) you can go to vidio.com

That's all for today. I will update the Bride Dulang Hantaran made by me tomorrow. stay tune.

Thank you for reading and Salam

06 August 2018

Bride's Application for Marriage Permission


Since yesterday my entry was about the application for marriage permission on groom's side, so today, i present to you the story of bride's application for marriage permission which we need to go back my hometown located at Langkap, perak.

It took 2 hours for us to reached my hometown. Right after we reach there, we went to Klinik Kesihatan Langkap for my HIV test (mandatory for bride and groom in Malaysia).

Then, we went to my parents house for lunch and Zohor. 

We went to Tok Naib Changkat Jong's house but there is no one. My ayah called him, he said went off to office and will be back on 6pm. So then, we went back home again. waited for 6pm.

The time came, we went to Tok Naib's house again. He waited outside. He greet us. Then, the document submitted. 

This video taken while we on the way to Tok Naib's House.
they both chit chat about the the donation to poor people in our village got 15 people and my future hubby very interested about it. 

Me?? I just sit behind and facebook-ing

05 August 2018

Groom Application for Marriage Permission


Okay. For today, this entry is about Islam Marriage Application form progress. Which in the role of Islam Marriage Application procedure in Malaysia, we need to settle the groom part at the first place, after the application approved, then only we can proceed the second part of documents is bride's application.

So, we took an off day on 18.07.2018 (wednesday) just to settle the groom's documents. 

Print out the forms from http://ncr.jais.gov.my/ which we need to sign up. So then, there is 2 forms to be fill up. 
1. Borang 1A Akuan Pengesahan Permastautin (Resident Identification Declaration)

1A form is to fill up groom's address, period of stay in Selangor, must have 1 witness to sign the witness column, and must get the signature of Penghulu or at least Ketua Kampung.

2. Borang 2A Permohonan Kebenaran Berkahwin (Application for Marriage Permission)

2A form is to fill up groom's details (name, identiti card no., home address, date of birth, working details), bride's details (name, identiti card no., home address, date of birth, working details), solemnization date, place, 2 witnesses. 

So, we called Abie's youngest brother to be the first witness and the second witness is Abie's other brother. So we went to Penghulu Office and got a signature and stamp. After Zohor we went to Masjid As-Syakirin to get a signature and stamp from Ketua Jurunikah Masjid.

Then we went to Jabatan Agama Islam Selangor submitted the complete forms.

We waited for at least half an hour. 

After that, they have returned the document, approved to be send to Jabatan Agama Islam perak, Teluk intan (bride's part).

This photo taken at the back yard of Masjid Al-Syakirin Batu 6, Gombak to get the signature and stamp from ketua Jurunikah.

This photo taken while we waited for the approval. Right after submitted the complete forms at Jabatan Agama Islam Gombak, located at Selayang.

He got bored.

Alhamdulillah. The application have been approved. So, we are ready to go back my hometown Langkap, perak to submit all forms for Bride's part.

will update you soon.

03 August 2018

Muslim Pre-Marriage Certificate


Okay. we had collected our Muslim Pre-Marriage certificate at lembah Pantai (Organizer's Office). we went there around 9am but then, there is no one in the office. 

We'd informed by the person in charged that they only open for operation on 10.00am, so we decided to breakfast downstairs.

Sharp 10am, we went up to the office again, and we collect our cert. below is the photo of our Muslim Pre-Marriage Certificate or Sijil Kursus Pra-Perkahwinan Islam.

I am sorry for the very short entry this time because i need to go somewhere.

got to go, i will update more soon. 

02 August 2018

Muslim Pre-Marriage Course


Okay. I have updated about my engagement yesterday, and today the story focused on Our pre-Marriage Course.

This is a mandatory in Malaysia to all muslims who gonna married. So, long story short. I searched in google the location of this P-MC. Then, i got the P-MC located at Masjid Negara (Malaysia National Mosque). But since the training room was under renovation, so they moved the location to Majid Al-Firdaus, Segambut.

We went to the P-MC for two days on weekend 07.07.2018 - 08.07.2018. We had a very fun classes and We’ve learned so many info about marriage life in Islam and the things related to the marriage stuff. 

We also got a guideline for the Islam marriage procedure, how to fill the Islam Marriage Application Forms, documents needed, sign by who, and etc.

below is the photos and videos when i joined the P-MC

On the 1st day of our P-MC 

On the 2nd day of our P-MC

Look at that stripes shirt guy. He is my future hubby !!

A video taken while the class dismissed for lunch break and Zohor. 

new friend of mine : Mel
She is muallaf ( a new comer of Islam)


01 August 2018



It has been a while since the betrothal. But today i decided to share it here. 

17th June 2018 (Sunday) Hijri date 03rd Syawal 1439. He came to my house with his family to visit us and proposed me at the same time. We both have discussed about this 2 weeks before Eid Fitr.

We requested to make it a very simple. Because there is a hadith said, we conceal the engagement and proclaim the marriage. 

There is no ceremony (which malay style, we have one ceremony that the groom's mother will put a ring on the bride's finger) this is not happened to me on the day. Because we chose not to. There is no nice dress to wear, i just wore my Eid Fitr outfit, emerald green the color theme of my family for 2018 Eid Fitr. That soooo me !!

They sited at our living room with my parents. Only Ayah and Mak was there. No one else. Me and my siblings are busy in the kitchen preparing the drinks and foods. I have been told to look nice on the day. I get dressed, a very light make up on my face which enhance my beauty. Hahahaha.

But then suddenly, my youngest sister came to me and showed me a ring on his finger.  And she asked teasingly "Is it nice?" 

I was blurred at the moment and i tried to recognized the ring. I was stunned how she can get the ring?? and she tried it before me?? ahhahaha. 

Well, i am so happy. Happy that on this age 33 years old. At last i have that strength, decided to get married and settle down with the guy i love so much. Which i have a very bad experiences caused me phobia and fear. I need all of you to Du'a for us both, that this betrothal will last till the day we married.

so, i attached this entry with some photos on the day.

Ring we both chose is a very simple ring, i requested to have a bit old school design. We bought it at Zen Gold located in Ampang Point, G Floor. With a price around RM500 ++

Here is a part of his family. 
From left : Khairul (purple shirt, his brother, the 4th in a family), Abie he's self (emerald green shirt), Khairul (one of a friend), Abah (batik shirt, Abie's father), Ayah Yai ( i'm not sure his full name, and he is one of family members), Alif (Pak Yai's son), Awen (3rd sibling) and the last one with grey shirt and chubby tummy is my Ayah.

This is another part of his family. 
from the right : Nadia (Mustard hijab, Abie's SIL, a wife of Khairul), Udo (the dark pink hijab, one of the family members but i don't know her name as well), Misha (thr green hijab we called her adik because she is the youngest in the family). a tiny cute little girl Qalisha (Abie's Niece a daughter of Awen + Shima), Shima (Light pink Hijab, Abi'es SIL a wife of Awen), Mak (light brown hijab with blue outfit is Abie's mother), another tiny little princess Qhaira a younger sister of Qalisha, 2nd daughter of Awen + Shima), Fiana (we called her kakak, the maroon hijab, 2nd last in Abie's siblings) and the last one, with dark emrald green color hijab is my Mom.

Alhamdulillah. everything is went smoothly as planned.

Thank you all. i will update soon about my married journey that we created a hashtag


24 July 2018

Sebulan Menjadi Isteri

Aku duduk di sisi kanan tilam. Duduk sambil meriba laptop. 
Sesekali tangan bed-mate terlibas ke paha.
ya, aku ada bed-mate kini.
Tiga puluh tiga tahun aku menanti.
Akhirnya aku bergelar isteri.

Genap sebulan hari ini.

Sesekali suami mengalih tubuh, mengiring ke kanan dan kiri.
Sampai hari ini aku masih kurang percaya. aku sudah menjadi isteri. 
Lama aku tunggu saat ini. 
Berkongsi rasa jiwa dan raga bersama seorang yang aku gelar suami.
Yang aku mahu kongsi pahit manis bersama
Yang aku mahu berbaring atas bahunya. Yang aku mahu peluk setiap masanya.
Yang aku mahu pegang tangannya, usap lebut bahunya, mengelus rambutnya.

Aku mahu jadi isteri paling manja gedik untuknya. 
mahu isi harinya dengan senyuman dan tawa aku
ingin penuhi kehidupannya dengan seri
Seri yang dia takkan dapat dari mana2 wanita lainnya
aku ingin dia rasa betapa manis aku menjadi isteri
betapa manja aku berbanding isteri orang lainnya
aku mahu dia bangga dia miliki aku
aku mahu dia tahu aku miliknya

23 January 2018

Attitude Problem


Ini tentang masalah attitude. ada antara kita cuba mengelak dari mengaku memiliki masalah ini, ada diantara kita tidak sedar dengan masalah attitude dalam diri.

Mahu sedar? Mahu akui??

Bukan payah. Cukup cuma sedikit muhasabah diri.

Apa itu muhasabah diri?? Cara mudah muhasabah diri?? Kau duduk diam lepas solat. dalam keadaan masih berteleku di Sejadah. atau mungkin kau duduk diam saat lampu terpadam.

Kau renung kembali

Berapa ramai pergi dari engkau?? Alasan apa mereka pergi dari engkau?? Jangan renung salah mereka, cuba renung salah diri.
Contohnya "A" dulu kawan kau, tapi mengapa A bukan lagi kawan kini?? Jangan nafikan dengan        cara "A" yang macam tu atau macam ni. Tapi fikir, apa aku buat pada "A"?? Apa kelakuan kau atau patah kata kau yang buat "A" jadi seperti itu" (ini baru dikatakan muhasabah diri sebenar). Kau tak perlu mengaku pada si "A" atau kawan-kawan lainnya kalau kau nak jaga EGO kau. Ya, setiap dari kita selalu begitu. Sama seperti hubungan cinta. Kenapa takdirnya ex kau menjadi Ex?? ya, ketentuan Allah, tapi Allah juga ingin kau sedar apa sebenarnya yang Allah nak sampaikan.

Kau mesti kena fikir tentang diri kau. Kau boleh selfish pada orang, tapi jangan selfish pada diri. kerana bila kau terlalu biasa selfish pada diri, maka kau akan terbiasa membohong diri sendiri. Lalu kau hanya hidup dalam dunia kecil yang kau ciptakan. dan lama-kelamaan dunia kecil itu membesar, membentuk peribadi kau sendiri, lalu menjadi punca kau tidak nampak walau sekelumit salah kau, yang kau nampak, bagus kau, baik kau, betul kau dan besar diri kau !

kau akan jadi manusia yang berpuaka. Apa puaka yang aku katakan, membuat segelintir orang sekeliling kau menjadi menyampah lalu menjauhkan diri, kemudian kau tidak melihat akan perkara itu, yang kau nampak cuma mereka negatif kau yang positif. haha. aku ketawa sebab waktu ni, kau sebenarnya manusia paling sunyi tanpa kau sedar.

Manusia yang tidak punya masalah ini, mereka disenangi ramai. mereka disayangi ramai. lihat kelilingmu, siapa yang sayang kamu? kerana apa mereka sayang kamu? siapa hormati kamu? mengapa mereka hormati kamu? Hormatkah mereka atau takutkah dengan puakamu? Segankah mereka dengan kamu?? berapa ramai yang benar ikhlas denganmu?? atau cuba mengambil hati dek kerana kamu jenis manusia tinggi diri dan mereka takut ditolak ketepi olehmu??

Jangan bangga jika orang menjaga hati kamu untuk perhatianmu. Kerana mereka itu semua pura-pura, saat kamu jatuh nanti, mereka inilah yang akan mentertawakan kamu.

Namun jangan pula kamu khuwatir dengan kekuranganmu. Kerana setiap dari manusia yang tercipta, punya kekurangan.

Sedikit, kau berilah masa pada diri untuk bermuhasabah. Ini untuk memperbaiki kelemahan dan menguatkan lagi kelebihan. Malah memupuk jati diri agar lebih consider dan peka dengan keadaan serta perasaan orang sekelilingmu.

10 January 2018

Tak Bahagia

Tak perlu rasanya aku ceritakan semua setiap satu apa yang aku lalui dihari-hariku di laman sosial itu. Aku belajar dari kisah dulu. Dulu aku tayangkan bahagia, aku sembahkan kisah keluh kesah hidupku diumum. umpama aku mainkan sebuah filem tentang setiap inci kehidupanku.

Mereka menggunakan segala apa yang telah ku tayangkan menjadi batu untuk mereka rejam aku hingga aku jatuh. mentertawakan aku saat aku jatuh. makanya, aku berhenti. berhenti dari tayang siapa aku, aku berhenti pamer apa punya aku, aku berhenti dari persembahkan setiap detik hidup aku.

ya. mereka benar. aku dulu bukanlah insan bahagia yang benar bahagia jiwa dan raganya. Yang aku tayang, yang aku sembahkan itu cuma sebuah dunia yang aku cipta. cipta kebahagiaan dalam laman sosial yang sebenarnya bukan hakikat. Hakikatnya, aku bukan sebahagia gambar-gambar itu, aku bukan sebagus-bagus manusia yang menulis status acah suci disitu. bukan sebenarnya aku.


Aku mengorak perubahan dalam diri. Tiada lagi tayangan umum tentang siapa aku. tiada lagi tunjukkan apa punya aku. dan tiada lagi persembahan drama hidupku.

yang ada cuma status bodoh sinis melawak dan bersahaja. kerana itu aku sebenar. jenis suka bergurau mengusuk ketawa. itu aku sebenar. bahagia dalam mengusik, menyakat, membahan, namun masih menjaga hati lainnya.

Bahagia aku kini, tak perlu aku tayang lagi. Biar cuma aku tahu. Gambar selfie, groupie, kesana-kemari bukan lagi hiasan dinding dinding laman sosial ku. Kerana apa? Kerana kenangan-kenangan manis itu, aku tak mahu kongsikan dengan semua bukan semua benda aku boleh kongsikan bersama mereka bukan semua perkara aku boleh jadikan bahan untuk dibanggakan. cukup ! aku mahu simpan untuk diri sendiri. Biarlah gambar makanan, pemandangan menjadi jamuan buat mereka.

Biar mereka bilang laman sosial ku membosankan. Asal bukan menjadi batu untuk mereka rejam aku sekali lagi nanti. kadang kita lupa, gerak geri kita diperhatikan. ramai orang, banyak mata, mereka tunggu jatuhnya kita, mereka kutip setiap apa kita tulis dan ambil semua gambar untuk dijadikan batu direjam pada kita sambil ketawa melihat kita menangisi kejatuhan kita sendiri.


Mereka takkan pernah tolong.

Ingat ! Jika kau terlalu selalu tayang apa punya engkau, apa hidup kau adanya, maka terbuka lah pintu-pintu fitnah dan lama-kelamaan, mereka kumpul menjadi batu merejam engkau hingga kau tersungkur menyembah bumi.

Saat kau bangkit, mereka cuma melihat, ada diantara mereka sekadar merenung sinis dengan dendam dan kebencian. sedang kau tidak pernah kenal siapa mereka, tidak pernah tahu wujudnya mereka, namun mereka tetap menghukum engkau umpama mereka tuhan pada engkau.