18 August 2017

Masak Lemak Tempoyak Cili Api Ikan Patin

This is one of my favorite dishes. Its a Malay food. Not a traditional food but one of best food in Malaysia. 
Its similar to Ikan Patin Masak Tempoyak, but the different is, we use coconut milk in this recipe.

Okay let me share the recipe with you.

Ingredients :

Ikan Patin clean and cut as you preferred.
Santan / Coconut Milk about 1 cup
Water about 2 cups
**Chilies (its up to you, how many you preferred)
**Turmeric 1 inch
Daun Kunyit / Turmeric Leaf  (tear it to 5 pieces)
Lemon Grass about 1-2
Tempoyak / Fermented Durian

Method :
1. Belnd Onion, Garlic, Chillies & Turmeric
2. Put it in the pot with Ikan patin, Daun Kunyit, Lemon Grass, Tempoyak, Santan and Water
3. Heat it and stir it. But please be careful when you stir it. Slowly stir and make sure do not crush up the fish.
4. Cook until the fish tender. Then done !!

It seriously easy, but not all people will eat this food because some of us don't really like duroan. But let me tell you this, a fermented durian will not smells like normal durian.
Maybe you should try it.

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