26 August 2017

Un-Flush Case

Its about toilet !!

Which is at my office we shared the toilet with other company too. There is two toilets for each floor.

The toilet belongs to the tenants. Two companies at my floor share the same toilet. Management provide us (two companies mine and the next door) toilet keys. Its mean, we can lock it or just let it free.

Lately, there is one lady always come and use our toilet. She actually new. I thought she was work with the next door company. But, it turns out that i was wrong. She did not work with the next door company. I saw she was walked from the next building which the floor connected to our building. There at her side, the next building, they have another two toilets. I'm not sure why she did not use the other side toilet. 

Since that, the weird things started. 

The user not flush the toilet properly. Its happened and not only me who noticed it. People start talking about the UN-Flush cases. And what i saw that day is not the first time happened. Its happened before but not before the new lady came. Then, we decided to put a sign note as above picture. But still, the thing repetitively happened.

Then, we both companies decided to lock the toilet ! Of course the new lady could not use the toilet because management only provide the key to the tenants which is my office and the next door. 

Then the un-flush toilet stop ! 

Ya, finally we successful stop the un-flush case !

And please, for all reader out there. Flush the toilet after you use it !! 

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